Monday, April 23, 2007

Guess who is almost One!

Can you believe it? this Saturday, April 28th will be Ryan's First Birthday. It is amazing how time sure does fly. He is doing great and has been cruising along furniture for some time now. He has yet to try on his own, but as soon as he does I can see him running to stay with his big brothers.


Tracy said...

Hey Gil! Look at your awesome family! It is so good to see your handsome boys, especially Ryan who we have never met! I'm so glad you have this blog so we can see what the Jensen's are up to - please tell everyone the Schultz family says hello, and give the boys a hug from me! (okay, Dave too) hee hee!

Kristi David said...

So glad you joined the ranks!! Now we can keep tabs on you too :). Your boys are as cute as ever!

Love you guys,
Kristi, Ameri and Charley